eppiq Timer

Who's it for?

Agency Owners/Managers

You know you should be able to see which clients are using your staff time, even if it’s only used internally, you need to know which clients are taking up the most staff-time, but…

The way you currently account for your staff time doesn’t really work, does it? Your staff hate having to fill out timesheets, and you hate having to chase them. Being human, we all forget to start/stop between clients, so usually end up guessing retrospectively. So the timesheet data isn’t really very useful in the end…

eppiq Timer is a set-and-forget time-tracking extension and desktop app that your team doesn’t have to interreact with. It sits in the background recognizing which client/project/task is being worked on and automatically builds accurate timesheets.

Easy setup

Download the extension, add your team, see the timesheets!

Accurate Data

You Team's timesheets displayed in graphs and sheets

Connect your BI

API connector for many of your favourite BI tools


Quickly understand which clients are profitable and which aren't

The Guys doing the Work

No more frantically trying to remember what you did yesterday, just before your weekly Project Meeting! It’s OK, we’ve all been there – you ended up guessing, didn’t you. And you’re not alone, your colleagues all forgot as well, so actually, the time your Team submitted was, at best, a guestimate…

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a system that just ran in the background and your team leader could see all the client time on a dashboard in real-time – NO MORE TIMESHEETS!

Hands Free

No more remembering to start/stop the timer

Accurate Data

No need to worry that you've forgotten what you did yesterday

Free up Time

Don't waste time doing timesheets, get back to what you love

The Finance Guys

R&D tax credits require that you show which staff members have been working on R&D eligible projects, but the timesheets you get from the team leaders don’t identify R&D eligible activities.
You also need to know which Clients/Project are profitable and which are time-sucks, so that you can set your pricing more accurately, but the timesheet information you get back from your teams is just not reliable (you suspect they may be guessing….)

How about a real-time dashboard that you can filter by date/client/project/task and connect to your favourite BI tools?

R&D Tax credits

Automatic allocation of eligible R&D activities. Accurate reports for HMRC

Connect to Accounts & BI

API connection to most common Accounting software and BI tools


Quickly understand which clients are profitable and which aren't